Close Call ‘Saved By The Email’: Grammarly’s Hilarious Ad

grammarly saved by email campaign
grammarly logo

Campaign Details




Type of Ad: , ,

  • Campaign: Grammarly “Saved By The Email”
  • Product: Grammarly writing assistant
  • Target Audience: Professionals who rely on email communication
  • Goal: Highlight Grammarly’s AI ability to improve email writing efficiency
Saved By The Email | Work More Efficiently With Grammarly

The Power of Polished Emails

The “Saved By The Email” campaign centers around showcasing how to work more efficiently with AI-powered Grammarly in a professional setting.

The ad features humorous scenarios where characters use AI powered Grammarly to AI writing to help you their point like

  • Write an email using AI to align on schedule avoid meeting
  • Summarise the plan using AI
  • Simplify using AI

By portraying these relatable situations, Grammarly aims to target professionals who rely heavily on email communication. The ad emphasizes how Grammarly can help users enhance their writing efficiency, ensure clarity and professionalism, and ultimately, avoid sending emails they might regret.

About the Author

Hi, I'm Hridja, a marketing consultant focusing on digital strategies. I wrestle with marketing jargon by day and dream of the perfect subject line by night.

When I'm not writing, I'm obsessively collecting ads and email campaigns – basically building a massive digital library that I hope will be a treasure trove of inspiration.

Consider me your friendly neighbourhood marketing nerd, just trying to make sense of the ever-changing digital landscape and maybe, just maybe, build the world's most epic library of ads and emails.

You'll find my work here on Digital Tripathi.

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